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A 2040 initiative

Re shop

Mass consumption is something we knowingly or unknowingly contribute to every day. Re—Vamp aims to re-establish the relationship between consumers and brands based on awareness and shared responsibility.

How? By aligning users' unique carbon footprints with products or services that have the capability to directly decrease it.

Re brand

We are not alone in this endeavor. Brands all over the world are awakening to the concept that adopting a more responsible and sustainable approach to their operations is not only a societal necessity but also a sound business strategy.

Consumers are eager to make ethical choices. They are using their purchasing power to endorse companies that prioritize long-term vision over immediate quarterly gains.
Sustainable long-term revenue is only possible when there is a sustainable long-term planet.

The brands we showcase come from various industries, yet they all share a common thread - transparency. By openly disclosing the real-world consequences of their products, they empower consumers to make well-informed and meaningful purchasing choices.
Revamp is a company registered in Canda. Banking services are provided by Royal Bank of Canada who is authorized by the Canadian Financial Supervisory Authority.

The address is 10 York Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
© 2023
Re — Vamp. All rights reserved.